ResinTech DWM Deck Waterproofing Membrane System (FLEXCOAT/HPP)
Jul 14 , 2024
The ResinTech Flexcoat/HPP Deck Waterproofing Membrane System (usable 4 hours after installation) is a durable and effective solution for protecting deck surfaces. Composed of high-quality liquid polyurethane, it cures to form a rubber-like membrane that is both resilient and easy to clean. For pedestrian areas, the system includes a textured top layer with aggregate to enhance wear resistance and provide slip resistance. This seamless, monolithic waterproofing system is suitable for application on concrete, primed metal, and wood surfaces.
**ResinTech High Performance Polyaspartic (HPP) Top Coat** is a two-component, fast-curing polyaspartic coating designed for commercial and industrial floors. Utilizing aliphatic chemistry, HPP is color stable and resists UV-induced color shifts common in other coatings like epoxies. The HPP system features a 1:1 mix ratio and sufficient pot life for application by rolling, brushing, or spraying. It can be applied in a variety of conditions, including low temperatures and high humidity.
The ResinTech Flexcoat/HPP Deck Waterproofing System is ideal for use in plazas, recreation decks, balconies, mechanical rooms, stadiums, athletic surfaces, and other areas requiring an elastomeric waterproofing solution.
- Fast curing time allows for use just 4 hours after installation.
- Mildew and fungus resistance protect concrete surfaces from environmental damage.
- Excellent durability and UV resistance extend the life of pedestrian surfaces.
- Recoatable and compatible with other ResinTech sealants and expansion joints, providing comprehensive waterproofing protection.
- Maintains color stability under UV exposure, avoiding color shifts.
- Suitable for application in low temperatures and high humidity, offering versatility in various environmental conditions.
- Before use, mix ResinTech Flexcoat with a spiral paint mixing paddle at a rate of 500 rpm for at least 5 minutes.
- Base Coat: Apply ResinTech Flexcoat at a coverage rate of 40-64 ft²/gal or 25-40 wet mils (0.6-1 mm) thickness to the entire area to be coated, including over all detail coats, but excluding expansion joints. The preferred application method is with a notched squeegee. Cross-rolling may be done if the coating needs to be leveled. ResinTech Flexcoat can also be applied using a solvent-resistant, medium-nap roller (3/8” to 1/2" / 9.5 mm to 12.7 mm).
- Allow ResinTech Flexcoat to cure for a minimum of 4 to 6 hours, but no more than 24 hours. Cure rates are influenced by temperature and humidity; refer to the cure rate guidelines chart at the end of this document.
- If ResinTech Flexcoat has been applied for 24 hours or more under optimal temperature conditions (see chart on the last page), clean the surface with a damp cloth using Xylene (avoid saturation). Then, prime it with ResinTech TUE Primer. For any questions regarding the necessity of priming, it is recommended to contact your local ResinTech Sales Representative.
- Top Coat: Mix components A and B of HPP together. Add the desired color pigment and mix for 2 minutes. Pour the mixture onto the base coat and spread it with a squeegee. Back roll using a 10 mil nap roller to achieve a uniform thickness. Broadcast sand into the HPP and back roll again to encapsulate the sand. Ensure you mix enough material to apply within 10 minutes. If smaller amounts are needed, the mix ratio is 1:1. Please refer to the HPP data sheet for detailed instructions. Wait for 4 hours at temperatures above 20°C before opening the area to traffic.